Tag Archives: Susan Tedeschi

YouTube, Insomnia and a Music Lesson….

It’s 1228am. I should be sleeping. BF is snoring in the bedroom, Dora Girl is snoring on the couch. I’m currently flipping through bad infomercials, trying to make myself drowsy. God Bless YouTube. Here’s some of my fave mellow tunes. I apologize for the quality of videos- I tried to find the ones with the best overall performance and sound. The lyrics in these songs all have special meaning to me. If you find one you like, do a little research and see what the songwriter/singer was thinking when they blessed us with these ditties. I am fully aware that some of these are covers of songs originally done by another artist. (And yes, I know the originals. Don’t ever play Music Trivia with me. I will BEAT YOUR ASS.) If you aren’t familiar with these tunes or artists, welcome to a whole different, wonderful world.  Or just lie back, close your eyes, and let the music fill you. Because these selections will.  Nighty nite, friends.