Daily Archives: September 2, 2011

The Cast of Characters – Part Deux

“Family” and “friends” are used interchangeably in my life. My family are my friends (most of them) and my friends are my family. These are the people who will also be present in this blog. I won’t go into to excessive detail about these people, as you will get to know them further into my writings.

Mom. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to believe that I sprung from the womb of this woman. She and I have more things dis-similar with each other than we do in common. However, it works. She is quiet and unassuming, whereas I am loud and direct. She has a subtle, sneaky sense of humor. She doesn’t yell, or show drama with her emotions. She has worked hard her whole life, sacrificed lots of things for me, and is primary caregiver to my Gram Baker, her 97 year old mother. She still calls to tell me what I should and shouldn’t be doing, calls me “Angela Jo” when I get in trouble, and loves me. We don’t say that often to each other (I’m not sure why)- but I know that she does. I hope she knows how much I love her, too.

Daddy-o, Me, and Ma

Dad.  If you know my Dad, you know EXACTLY where my personality comes from. He’s loud, jolly, outspoken, stubborn and a hell of a guy. He would do anything for me, yet isn’t in my face about things (anymore). He’s lived a rough life, but he has a heart as big as Texas (where his family hails from). He’s quirky, and really doesn’t give a shit if others think he’s weird. I mean, the man has already bought his cremation urn off eBay.That’s just how he works. I love his crazy ass, because it’s proof that I come by my craziness honestly.

My Sister Mary dancing with my Brother-In-Law

Sister Mary. No, that’s not a nun. It’s my oldest sister. I am currently living in her old house, as she and family up and moved to North Carolina. She’s very motherly. Takes wonderful care of her own grown children, and takes care of me. She is a strong, strong woman, dealing with lots of medical issues herself, and the medical issues of my niece. She is also quiet like Mom. She doesn’t give herself enough credit in my mind. And then sometimes, she gives herself too much credit when it comes to her family. She by nature is the caretaker of everyone, whether they need it or not. I think my Brother in Law is a great guy, my niece and nephew wonderful kids and adults, in part thanks to my sister’s hands-on loving.

I also have another sister. Currently, we are estranged. That’s all I will say about that.

Tree and Ang

BFF Tree. We have known each other since we were 5 yrs old. Our Moms bowled together. We played at the bowling alley, and have remained friends for 30 years. We have been through puberty, boys, teen pregnancy, weddings, divorces, childbirth, child raising, and hysterectomies together. I admire her sooooooo much. She lost her Mother to cancer a few years ago. She remains a force to be reckoned with, very loyal, solid and wise. I want to be like her when I grow up. (Oh shit, I am a grown up. The whole point of this. Shit. I need to get it together.)

Ang and Amy

BFF Amy. Met in the Gifted Class in the 2nd grade. (more on that later). Again, 25+ years of shenanigans under our belt. She lives in FL now, which is great for cheap vacations, but sucky because I can’t get in my car and drive there daily. She is truly the sister I never had. We are both Sagittarius, – we are emotional and stubborn and loud. We totally get each other because we are so much alike. She calls me for advice, I call her not nearly often enough. I’m slacking in the communication department with her lately, and I need to remedy that. Her Mom and Dad treat me  like the daughter they never had, and I love them all dearly.

Lisa and Ang

BFF Lisa. Lisa is my most recent BFF. We’ve know each other for about 10 years. This woman knows my SOUL like no other. We can go for weeks without speaking, then pick up like we just saw each other 10 minutes ago. We have the most fun together, my partner in crime. Lisa’s sister is another Amy, who is also very close to my heart. They live together, which makes for some great house parties and nights out. Their bond together is tight. They call me their “sister from another mister”. I love them, too. They are dependable to a fault, even if neither one of them has any concept of time. If Lisa says she will be there, she will, just maybe 45 minutes late. If Amy says she will be ready to go out at 8pm, she will be ready at 9pm (maybe). But that’s ok, ’cause the fun and love we share is worth 25 min. of watching Lisa change outfits 18 times and Amy put on mascara for 32 minutes.

Ang and Amy E

Tree, Ang, AmyI heart these girls. Seriously. LOVE them.Lisa, Ang, Amy E

I also have a boyfriend. Live-in. Shack Rabbit, if you will. He prefers to remain anonymous in these stories, and that’s ok. He’s a private kind of guy, likes to be at home, not overly social. He’s good to me and the boys, works extremely long and hard hours, and mows the lawn. That’s important, because I hate mowing. He loves me for me, lets me be crazy,and rubs my back when we go to sleep. It’s not sunshine and roses and rainbows all the time, but that’s ok. I love him for him. He loves me for me. That’s all anyone can ask for.

I will conclude the Cast of Characters in the next post. There is only one more to explain. Me. I have to think long and hard before I write an autobiography. It’s scary to think about. But I want to be honest and expose my faults as well as my strengths. That’s important to me. I don’t want to pretend to be anything I am not.

That is all for now.

Me and Daddy-o.