I Had A Girl……Donna Was Her Name.

My inspiration to start a blog stemmed from reading several other blogs on a regular basis. My two main influences were Moms Who Drink and Swear and Mary Tyler Mom. Two strong women, full of piss and vinegar, not afraid to air their frustrations, loves, silliness and reconciliation that comes with being a Mom. They inspire me, reassure me, and influence me in more ways than just words on paper. Mind you, I don’t know these women personally, but the insight they allow their readers into their personal lives makes me feel like they are long-lost sisters of mine.

Mary Tyler Mom (MTM) recently shared something VERY personal with her lucky readers. MTM’s 4 year old daughter, Donna, passed from this earth from cancer in 2009. Since September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, MTM chronicled Donna’s 31 month journey from diagnosis to The End. One month was represented as one day on MTM’s blog.

Imagine this Mother, who physically lost her daughter, then rehashing it on paper to bring awareness to regular chumps like us. She sat down everyday to write the installments. This was not something she had prearranged. She took time out from her family EVERYDAY to relive the agony so she could share it with us. That fact alone astounds me.

She writes with in-your-face reality, because that’s how she lived this story. She is open, honest, and beautiful. She has changed my life by allowing me to know Donna. I woke up daily in September looking forward to the day’s installment-even though I knew how the story ended. But the story hasn’t ended. That’s the most beautiful part of this. By sharing this with all of her readers, MTM has introduced her beautiful little girl to thousands of people. And those thousands of people have done what I’m doing- sharing Donna with even more people.

It’s painful, emotional and difficult at times to read. But it’s also hopeful, silly and uplifting. I cannot encourage people enough to go read this story. Even if it’s close to home- the message is the important thing. I won’t give details away, as this is not my story to tell. All I can do is poke, prod and ride your ass until you go read this. I have her blog linked on the side of my page, and also copied the direct link to Donna’s Cancer Story at the bottom here. So grab your Kleenex, and find a nice quiet corner, and go meet a wonderful, brave, wise little girl named Donna. You will be a better person for doing so.

That is all for now.


About holycrapimagrownupnow

Single 34 yr old Sports Mom of 2 boys, ages 12 and 12 (keep reading my blog to explain this). Nurse. Going back to school for Health Care management degree. I'm crazy. My kids are crazy. Warped, smart-ass sense of humor in us all. Quite the wordsmiths. Keep reading. The entertainment will start shortly...........

2 responses »

  1. I must admit my major mom crush on both Mary Tyler Mom and Nikki from MWDAS. They are amazing women. Strong as steel with a side as soft as fleece. They are incredible and I love them both. Thanks for sharing.


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